Dongwoo Kim
Associate Professor
- The Graduate Center, City University of New York, PhD in Philosophy
- University of Minnesota: Twin Cities, MA in Philosophy (Mathematics minor)
- Korea University, Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy)
Research field
- Logic, Analytic Philosophy, Digital Humanities
- Logic
- The Philosophy of Virtual Reality
Major Career
- Lecturer, Underwood International College, Yonsei University(2022.09-2023.02)
- CUNY Writing Across the Curriculum Fellow(2021.09-2022.06)
Major external activities and awards
- A member of Korean Society for the Philosophy of Science
- A member of Korean Association of Logic
Representative Research Performance
- Kim, D. "Exact Truthmaker Semantics for Modal Logics," To appear in Journal of Philosophical Logic
- Kim, D. "The Kripkean Explanation of Aposteriori Necessity," To appear in Inquiry
- Kim, D. “Necessity, Essence, and Explanation,” To appear in Erkenntnis
- Kim, D. (2021). “Explanation and Modality: On Why the Swampman is Still Worrisome to Teleosemanticists,” Synthese (199), 2817-2839.
- Kim, D. (2021). “On the Buck-Stopping Identification of Numbers,” Philosophia Mathematica, 29(2), 234-255 (A&HCI, Q1)
- Kim, D. (2021). “On Frege’s Assimilation of Sentences with Names,” The Philosophical Quarterly, 71(2), 241-263 (A&HCI, Q1)