Jieun Song
Associate Professor
- Seoul National University, BA in Linguistics
- Seoul National University, MA in Linguistics
- University College London, PhD in Speech, Hearing & Phonetic Sciences
Research field
- Phonetics
- Neurolinguistics
- Phonetics
- Language and the Brain
- Child Language Acquisition
Major Career
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, University College London
- Researcher, Research for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NRF), Seoul National University
Major external activities and awards
- '언어의 아이들' selected as Sejong Academic Book 2019
- First Place Award, The Acoustical Society of America (2016)
- Best Paper Award, The Korean Society of Speech Sciences (2010)
Representative Research Performance
- Song, J. & Iverson, P. (2018). Listening effort during speech perception enhances auditory
and lexical processing for non-native listeners and accents, Cognition, 179, 163-170
- Song, J., Martin, L. & Iverson, P. (2020). Auditory neural tracking and lexical processing
of speech in noise: masker type, spatial location, and language experience, Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, 148 (1), 253-264
- Kiaer, J. & Song, J. (2019). 언어의 아이들: 아이들은 도대체 어떻게 언어를 배울까? [‘How children learn language’] , Seoul: Science Books